jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

La prensa Española visita el set de "WELCOME TO HARMONY" - The Spanish press visits the set of "WELCOME TO HARMONY"

They (the Spanish press) are very happy to visit the set, and they show their happyness with many pics.

It seems to be that Matthew Fox isn't gonna shoot today, but he's gonna do several interviews with the press. 

As we could find out, he's accompanied by his wife, Margherita. That is so sweet.

La prensa Española esta muy feliz de visitar el set, y lo demuestran con muchas fotos.

Parece ser que Matthew Fox no rodará hoy, pero si va a dar muchas entrevistas a la prensa. 

Por lo que hemos averiguado, esta acompañado de Margherita. Eso es muy tierno.
Jack's house

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